Sunday, February 24, 2013

The 2013 Academy Awards Fashion- The Good, the Bad, and the WTF.


This beautiful, sparkling apricot gown Jessica Chastain wore down the red carpet literally took my breath away! It suits her skintone and gorgeous red hair (with Rita Hayworth waves) perfectly, and since she was one of the first to arrive, she set the standard for the rest of the attendees for the rest of the night. This helps me forget about her terrible pale blue Globes gown. (We just won't mention that one again.)

I'm normally not a fan of Kelly Osbourne and her pseudo-punk/'classy' style and weird purplish-gray hair, but this black dress with sparkling diamond accents is incredible. Fabulous. 

Amy Adams, you are perfect. It is official. Normally, I am not a fan of floofy or pale blue/gray colors, but you make both of them look amazing. This is possibly the most memorable gown of the night.

Sally Field, you put women half your age to shame. She is beautiful, and this scarlet gown was beautiful, flattering, age appropriate and as perfect as she is.

Usually when you say the words 'sleek' and 'sexy,' Jennifer Hudson isn't the first person to come to mind, but tonight, she owned this slinky, royal blue number. It fit her perfectly and she looked confident and sexy and classy. Amazing. (See 'The Bad' section to see an example of royal blue gone bad.) 

 Jane Fonda is in her 70s, and looks better than I do at 23. Either I fail at life, or Jane Fonda and her fine self is just too incredible for words. This bright yellow, structured-but-feminine class act is just too amazing.

Another fabulous older woman (and former winner) who ruled the carpet was Marcia Gay Harden, who rocked this stylish red masterpiece and utterly owned it. Take that, 20-somethings!

If you're going to rock a pixie cut on the red carpet, don't look to Anne Hathaway for how to do it. (See the 'The Bad' section.) You follow Charlize Theron's guide and wear a pure white gown that looks as if it were crafted by God himself, and then make your pixie cut look chic, expensive, and badass.

Jennifer Aniston can make outfits that I would normally hate some of my favorites, and this orangey red gown is a perfect example. It's a little bridesmaid-ish to me, but she looks so chic and fun and classy that I can't help loving it. 

Adele is a fan of black dresses with quarter sleeves (she wears them EVERYWHERE, to EVERYTHING) but damn if she doesn't make them look amazing. When you're as famous and as awesome as she is, you stick with what works, and this sparkly dress definitely works.

Jennifer Garner is one of my personal style icons. She has an Audrey Hepburn quality to her- chic, simple, elegant, and sophisticated. A lot of the women on the carpet are wearing very trendy dresses that are going to look dated in a few years, but Jennifer is a very simple person who knows what works and works it hard.

All hail, the Oscar Goddess has arrived! Looking expensive, badass, clean, structured, and generally awesome, Halle Berry has retained her impeccably unique sense of style and set another standard for herself. (How does she manage to look THIS awesome every single year?)

The Bad

Reese Witherspoon can normally do no wrong on the red carpet, but this look is definitely a flop for me. The color of the gown is beautiful, but the strange cut and frumpy pile of fabric at the end does Reese's fabulous figure no favors. Not exactly a disaster, but not a great choice either.

Samantha Barks attended her first red carpet with the same enthusiasm as if she were heading to the high school prom. While I'm always a fan of an LBD, this black dress seems so JCPenney's- cheap, dull, and boring as crap. Try again next year, Sam. And with more enthusiasm, please. 

Olivia Munn. No.

I scan this column gown, and all I can focus on is Anne Hathaway's nipples. And then it immediately shifts to her Justin Bieber haircut. And then I'm just disappointed. She looks like Justin Bieber in a bib. With boobs. Not good. (Also, I want her to eat something.)

I just have no words for this gown. Salma Hayek seems to be trying to channel Audrey Hepburn from My Fair Lady, but the bland velvet gown and gold, chokey-looking collar and the high bun.... I just have no words. Wait, I take it back- I can think of one word. Ugly.

Fortunately for Nicole Kidman, her best accessory of the night (Keith Urban) saved her. She is a beautiful woman, you can't deny, but this heavy-looking, metallic bronze-and-black dress looks very dated and a little trashy.

The WTF 

Frankly, I don't know who this is, or why she was at the awards, but I have a guess that it's a porn star who thought this was the AVN awards and dressed accordingly. Girl, this is the Academy Awards. Put those things away. 

Jennifer Lawrence, as far as I am concerned, you are the coolest person ever and I simultaneously envy how awesome you are and kind of have a crush on you, but this voluminous... thing you're wearing is bizarre. In fact, it's the exact same gown you wore to the Globes, but whitish pink instead of reddish-pink. I still think you're the coolest person ever, but try to break the rut a bit.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. A thousand times NO. Melissa McCarthy, what are you doing? It looks like you made a gown out of your sweatpants! Your stretchy period-bloat sweatpants! As a plus size woman myself, I appreciate when a plus size woman can look just as sexy and fabulous as the skinny girls, and this.... is just not it. 

You know, Naomi Watts may be the only person in the WTF category who is WTF for the best way possible. I think she looks incredible (as normal) and this dress is extremely interesting. But she is making it work in such a badass way- she looks chic, expensive, beautiful, and yet very interesting with that odd half sleeve, boob-cup... thing. But she works it, so go her.

Why Kristen Stewart earned an invite to the most prestigious night in Hollywood is a bit beyond me, but she looked as baffled as I am. Lots of people are raving about her dress, and I must admit that 75% of it is great. It's the odd tulle fluffs on the bottom that are throwing me off. She looks a bit like there was more of her dress, but it go stuck in a door and ripped part of the way off, and she just decided to keep going. Not a disaster, I suppose, but it makes me all 'WTF' nonetheless.

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